Today I went out to the local art store and purchased their last rapidoliner pen. The kid who sold it to me tried to sell a set of rapidiograph pens but I stood my ground and insisted on the last rapidoliner. I'm glad I did.
It's pretty amazing how fast one can lose a sense of proportion. This was drawn sitting at the kitchen table. I also think i should give my choice of color more thought.
This is my first posted sketch. It's just me sitting down and drawing what's in front of me. I've added color. It's been a long time since I've worked with color and I was only able to scrape up a few tubes that haven't dried out over the years.
It's only right that the first drawing on my blog should belong to the person who inspires me to draw again. This drawing entitled "blood orange sangria" is the work of my seven and a half year old daughter and will serve as the standard that I will attempt to attain.