Thursday, November 23, 2006


I've rearranged my schedule to make room for drawing and painting. Instead of going to the gym at lunch I go to the library instead. I look for books with interesting (to me) pictures and I grab desk with side panels and draw and paint for about an hour.
The bottom drawings are from a book about local houses that have been saved from the wrecking ball. Both of these houses are in the neighborhood where I grew up. I'm not always in favor of "preserving history" but they make for nice images to draw.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I just wanted to take a simple shape with one color to do a value study.

This is one of my daughters toys placed on a kitchen towel. I walked away from this still life for a few minutes and someone thoughtfully put it away while I was gone.

Someone from the newspaper

This is a toy that my wife has on her dresser. It's from the movie, "Monsters Inc.". I wanted to depict a model of a charactor and have it retain it's plastic attributes. If that makes any sense to any one.

An Apache buckskin cap found in the book, "500 Nations" by Alvin Josephy. I lost the contrast and started using prisma pencils to dig myself out of the mud. I'm using a small moleskin watercolor sketchbook and I'm falling off the page because I'm not planning for the small surface.


Saturday, November 11, 2006