Wednesday, November 23, 2005

After a Long Absence

I think I'd like to try doing a little more pencil. I don't see a lot of it these days and that was always the one item I could put my hands on when I wanted to draw as a kid. This image was taken from a book.
Yesterday I went to a local bookstore and found a Hopper on clearance for only six bucks. I was trying to choose between it and a how-to magazine. I decided I could learn more by painting from Hopper reproductions than I ever could from a magazine.
Stuff on a Table
Sometimes I get a little uptight about what I should sketch. This time I loosely applied watercolor to objects just sittin' around and then I added more layers of watercolor until I lost control. At that point I found some white and black prisma color pencils and tried to dig my way out of the mud.


What more can I say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love to see all those sketches. Good work!
