Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My sabatical

Wow, it's been a long time. I almost forgot my password to get in here. The last time I posted some sketches was getting ready to set up at our local pow wow and do some caricatures in my brother's booth. I was a wary about doing this because i'm not very confident about my skills but Courtney, my brother, told me to get over it and come set up with him. So I did and I had a great time. Because I had so little experience with this I charged only five dollars a "head" and made about three hundred dollars over the weekend. It was cool. Pow Wows are a great place to meet people of all shapes, sizes, ages and colors and most are in a great mood. When the weekend was over I went home and set up my large sketch book and continued to draw more caricatures from memory. It was weird but I made great strides in skill after my weekend and during my practice.
I finally went out and bought some watercolors. I got a cotman field set. I thought this would be a great starter and I could easily use at home and outside with excuses. I have a lot to learn but I think I'm going to have learning and I'll worry about the Smithsonian Pieces some other time.

1 comment:

Shelly McC said...

Love the watercolour work, great stuff, big stuff!