Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
After a Long Absence

Sometimes I get a little uptight about what I should sketch. This time I loosely applied watercolor to objects just sittin' around and then I added more layers of watercolor until I lost control. At that point I found some white and black prisma color pencils and tried to dig my way out of the mud.
What more can I say?
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
My sabatical

I finally went out and bought some watercolors. I got a cotman field set. I thought this would be a great starter and I could easily use at home and outside with excuses. I have a lot to learn but I think I'm going to have learning and I'll worry about the Smithsonian Pieces some other time.

Thursday, September 15, 2005
I haven't posted any drawings for a while but I've got new stuff I'll put up soon, but first I want to just something while I've got my mind on it.
Regarding Native American mascots.
I'm really intrigued by this issue and why america is so resistant to letting them go. I think the reason is because in order to do that Native Americans may have to be recognized as U.S. citizens or maybe even as real people and not symbols of some mass fantasy of a "noble savage". And if Native Americans are seen as real people then African Americans, Latinos and poor people may have to be recognized and accepted as humans and if that happens then we may find ourselves seeing Iraqis as real people who love and fear and hope just like us. If all that occurs, we may just then realize what we are doing, have done and plan on doing. And that insight may be too overwhelming at this point in our country's history. Yeah, that's it. Thats why america clings to these idiot mascots the've constructed, it keeps the truth out of their reality just a little longer.
Regarding Native American mascots.
I'm really intrigued by this issue and why america is so resistant to letting them go. I think the reason is because in order to do that Native Americans may have to be recognized as U.S. citizens or maybe even as real people and not symbols of some mass fantasy of a "noble savage". And if Native Americans are seen as real people then African Americans, Latinos and poor people may have to be recognized and accepted as humans and if that happens then we may find ourselves seeing Iraqis as real people who love and fear and hope just like us. If all that occurs, we may just then realize what we are doing, have done and plan on doing. And that insight may be too overwhelming at this point in our country's history. Yeah, that's it. Thats why america clings to these idiot mascots the've constructed, it keeps the truth out of their reality just a little longer.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
It's been a while

Saturday, August 27, 2005
The week at a glance
Saturday, August 20, 2005
John Lennon

When I was a kid I would sit down at the table with a stack of notebook paper (taken from my older college student brother) and draw pictures of the Beatles. I spent 3 hours shading the upper lip of Ringo Starr.
My favorite was always John Lennon. I could never draw his guitar quite right or his face ( and I still can't) but I knew if I could get the way he stood while performing I was halfway to a good drawing. I remember one time, with my brother Courtney, doing a drawing of them performing and cutting out the figures and placing them in my grandparents headboard, which had a light, and playing the recently released, "P.S. I Love You" over and over again and pretending we were at a concert. Excellent.
His lyrics were more biting and creative causing me to think more. He was more of a smart ass ( which was a quality that went a long way with me), and you've got to love a famous artist that can flip off the world and do his or her own thing.
I think that the best thing ever said about him after his death was in a song by a punk band I can't remember in a song called "dead rock stars" and it goes like this, " I never cared much for John Lennon, but at least he didn't die in his own vomit". What an honor.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Catching Up

I was pleasantly suprised by recent visitors to my site. They were my first ever comments since I started posting my own drawings. Thank y'all for that.
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